Friday, July 26, 2019

France 2019: Sunday 06/30 - Normandy

Early Sunday morning, we piled into a bus and headed to the coast. In terms of travel while on our trip, this was probably the worst of it due to the time spent on the bus. That being said, there are lots of worse things to do with your time than watching the French countryside. After about 3 hours we unloaded in the city of Bayeux which is about 14 miles south east of Omaha Beach. This was a beautiful French village that is one fo the few that was not completely destroyed during the war. The weather was overcast but significantly cooler than Paris which was a nice break. 

From Bayeux we went to Pointe du Hoc Ranger MonumentFrom there we drove through Omaha Beach and then headed on to the Normandy American CemeteryWhile certainly the children (at least Caleb) did not appreciate this, I found it beautiful, haunting, and horrifying all at once. I am glad we had a chance to go. We were stuck in some pretty dense traffic on the way back for Paris which made for a long (5 hour) bus ride. 

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